Friday, March 28, 2008

Supporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters Friday Update

Happy Friday everyone-


I just wanted to update you on a few things that have been going on for S.I.B.S.  We’ve been actively trying to promote our presence on the web and make it easier than ever for siblings to connect with each other in IL.  In this election year, we need to find our voice as siblings and get informed on policy issues that affect us and our siblings.  To do this, we are looking to make networking for siblings in Illinois easier.  A few of the things we have been working on to accomplish this goal are-


1.      We’ve started Facebook and Myspace groups.  If you are on either of these and would like to join, please contact me and I would be happy to add you.

2.      We also started Google groups and Blogger (in addition to AdultSibsNet Yahoo Group) to make it easier than ever to find out past, current, and future events for siblings in Illinois.  The links to these groups are available on all three (Yahoo, Google, and Blogger).  We believe that we need to still have “real world” meetings and hope that we can use some of these online groups to help arrange meetings in the coming months.  We are also planning on starting a Sibling Community calendar of events that siblings might want to attend.

3.      Please check out our website at and for some additional topics and resources that siblings often find useful.  On the both sites you will find information on future planning, where you can connect with siblings in IL, and other miscellaneous links about siblings.

4.      We’re also working on the finishing touches of becoming a nonprofit organization for siblings in IL.  We’re waiting just a bit on the paperwork from Uncle Sam, but we should be official later this spring.  Things will pick up more once this happens.

5.      We’re currently looking for more people to get involved.  We need you! If you are interested, please contact Tara Koseniak at or

6.      What else would work for you?  Please feel free to send any suggestions on what you feel S.I.B.S might want to do in the future.

7.      Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested.


All the best and have a wonderful weekend,


-John Kramer

Vice President, S.I.B.S


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