Friday, March 28, 2008

National Conversation on Advising Self-Advocacy Groups

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Greetings Readers!

This is your last chance to sign up for our April 7th National Conversation on Advising Self-Advocacy Groups teleconference!  The deadline for our April teleconference is March 31st!  Though you will still be able to sign up for our May 5th and June 2nd teleconferences after March 31st.

The self-advocacy movement has grown stronger over the years and is here to stay.  Success, though, often depends on self-advocates getting the support they need.  This support is offered by individuals called “advisors.”  We understand that advising a self-advocacy group is not always easy.  Advisors want to be helpful.  But sometimes advisors give too much help, or too little.  And sometimes advisors don’t give the right kind of help at all.  Anybody who advises a self-advocacy group understands how rewarding it can be…  and how hard!

So let’s talk about it!  We are hosting three teleconferences on advising self-advocacy groups:  April 7, 2008 – May 5, 2008 – June 2, 2008.  All will begin at 3pm ET and run for approximately 90 minutes each.

Each teleconference will include a 60 minute panel presentation and a 30 minute Question and Answer discussion.  The panel participants will include advisors and self-advocates.  We will learn a lot from these participants.  Scroll down to read about the topics that will be discussed during each session.

The registration fee will be $25 per teleconference for ONE phone line.  If you use a speaker phone you can gather people around and listen together!  Additional lines will be $25 each.

If you register for all three teleconferences, you will pay only $20 per teleconference or $60 total!  Additional lines will also be $20 each.  So, it pays to register for all three!

To register for these teleconferences you can go to our website at and follow the link.

Or you can download the registration form directly here:

For each session, the registration deadline is one week prior to the scheduled teleconference.  Don’t miss the cut-off!

Come join us for the first National Conversation on Advising Self-Advocacy Groups!  Register Now!!

The topics we will cover during each session are described below:

Teleconference #1:  The Nuts and Bolts of the Self-Advocacy Movement
Presenters:  Chester Finn, Gordon Fletcher and Patricia Jones
Lead Moderator:  Julie Petty
Moderators:  John Agosta, Bill Worrell
April 7, 2008 – 90 minutes (3pm ET)
Registration Deadline:  March 31, 2008

1.      What is the self-advocacy movement?
2.      What is the self-advocate’s role in the movement?
3.      What is the advisor’s role in the movement?
4.      What are the goals?
5.      What are you proud of?
6.      What do you worry about?
7.      What help do you need to be successful?
8.      What help don’t you need to be successful?

Teleconference #2:  The Advisor – Coach, Guide or Doer?
Presenters:  Janet Hunt, Aimee Morry and Carol Utterback.
Lead Moderator:  Julie Petty
Moderators:  John Agosta, Bill Worrell
May 5, 2008 – 90 minutes (3pm ET)
Registration Deadline:  April 28, 2008

1.      What task are advisors asked to do?  Styles, functions, stage of group evolution.
2.      What are the biggest lessons we have learned?
3.      What are the biggest challenges you have experienced?
4.      What do you worry about when you think about things?
5.      Relationship between person’s role as an advisor and their real life roles – conflicts?

Teleconference #3:  Growing with the Self-Advocacy Movement
Presenters:  Michelle Reynolds and Bill Worrell.
Lead Moderator:  Julie Petty
Moderators:  John Agosta, Reena Wagle
June 2, 2008 – 90 minutes (3pm ET)
Registration Deadline:  May 26, 2008

1.      The evolving relationship between self-advocates and their advisors.
2.      What support do advisors need to do their job well?
3.      Indicators of a good advisor – what are they?

Warm regards,
The Riot! Staff

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