Friday, June 26, 2009

Doomsday Around the Corner

Here are some facts from the Secretary that I think you can use in your
advocacy for disability and human services. In the "doomsday" 50% budget:

- 1 million infants, children and adults are about to lose services

- Within the Division of Developmental Disabilities there will be 30,000
individuals losing community services. Right now we serve 40,000!

- 200,000 jobs in the not for profit community will be lost

- 10,000 state jobs will be eliminated

- 4 developmental disability state institutions will close, leaving 5 still

Clearly lives will be destroyed with this budget, and the 30 years of
building a human services safety network will be wiped out. What we are
seeing is that the entire community based system is also about to be

Portraying the doomsday budget as a 50% budget is really inaccurate. In fact
it is fantasy. All of us know that none of these cuts can be implemented as
early as July 1 st . There are federal and state laws and regulations,
consent decrees and other factors that will postpone the Governor's
anticipated cuts. Because of these delays, the cuts will be even worse.
Every month that the cuts are not implemented, the larger the cuts become in
future months. So when we talk about 30-50% cuts, we could be talking in
reality of 40-80% cuts. This is not an acceptable scenario.

More bad news; under this scenario, on October 1 st day training will end
for people who are not in a residential program, and people in home-based
services will lose their funding. In fact, we will be forced to pull out of
the Home & Community Based Waiver! Certification of all community and state
residential options will be withdrawn. This means no federal protections
such as due process rights and other requirements under the waiver. We will
lose the federal 50% Medicaid match. Our system will be reduced to providing
only state operated institutions and community residential options that are
similar to what existed 40 years ago! Sheets and eats!

Legislators are now meeting and trying to craft a state "band aid" budget
for a short-term solution, the coward's way out to not take a vote on a tax
increase. My fear is that any "band aid" solution that comes up in the next
four working days will appease the state employee unions and other powerful
lobbyists that know how to work the system. Other groups will be left out in
the cold to fend for themselves with heinous budget cuts.

My message today to Governor Quinn through Secretary Adams and to the
advocates within the room was that we need to support all human services. We
need to restore all the cuts to human services. We need a long-term solution
to this budget crisis, not the "band aid" short-term solution that
legislators are now discussing. If a one-month or a three-month temporary
bridge budget gets us to a long-term solution, then we need the Governor and
legislators to accept the bridge budget to protect the human service safety
network in Illinois.

Our state policy has been to segregate people with disabilities from the
world, placing them in institutions. We are known for this throughout the
nation and see it in every report on the developmental disability system. I
can't help but wonder what our system would be like today if we truly
included infants, children and adults in every aspect of community life.
Would we be facing this crisis if we valued people with disabilities and all
of the families who rely upon human services? Would there be a public
outrage? Truly we are not a priority among our elected officials. This
crisis, I believe, will pull us together so that we will never again be in
this situation of being used as pawns in this disgrace we call Illinois

Here are some talking points that you can use as you talk with your

- The "Doomsday" Budget is inhuman and unacceptable!

- We will no longer be used as pawns. We want real reform.

- Fund ALL human services at 100% of FY 2009 levels.

- Pass tax increases to ensure a stable and adequate stream of funding for
vital human services and education.

- Pass a line-item budget so we know where the money is going.

We still have four days to avoid these budget cuts. I know you have done so
much in these past weeks. We just need to push even harder in these next
four days.

I know we can do it. I am counting on you!

Share this to get the word out.

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